Baking Clouds Ltd

Baking Clouds provide tailored IT consultancy services to small and medium-sized companies; we cover all aspects of IT without any hidden costs.


Join the vExpert Community: Second Half Applications Are Open!

Hello VMware community members out there! We are thrilled to announce that the second half applications for the vExpert program are now open. As a VMware Expert members and vExpert Pros, we are excited to share this news and encourage you to take part in this incredible opportunity. Application Details Application submissions for the vExpert […]

CoderDojo – Entrevista a Leonardo Ludueña

CoderDojo es una red mundial que alienta a niños y adolescentes aprender a programar.  Su fundador “Bill Liao” decidió crear esta organización con el objetivo de crear código en un entorno divertido e inspirador y absolutamente gratis. Han pasado varios años desde que se estableció el primer Dojo en Irlanda, pero CoderDojo ahora existe en […]

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