Baking Clouds Ltd

Baking Clouds provide tailored IT consultancy services to small and medium-sized companies; we cover all aspects of IT without any hidden costs.

ibm cloud

Integrating IBM Key Protect with IBM Cloud Object Storage

Introduction When managing encryption keys, you should keep them as much organized as possible to prevent key loss. For this purpose, IBM Key Protect helps you provision encrypted keys for apps across IBM Cloud services. The IBM Key Protect for IBM Cloud service you can provision and store encrypted keys for apps across IBM Cloud […]

Hosting a static website on IBM COS

Maybe you are new to Storage buckets or you are thinking why do I need this? … let’s say you want to share a ‘Maintenance page’ without having a webserver, this is a great option. There are many other use cases, just visualize serverless as a trend and how much money you can save In […]

Configure vCloud Director to use IBM Cloud Identity as SAML provider

If you want to import users and groups from a SAML identity provider to your vCloud organization, you need to configure your system organization with a SAML identity provider to establish a mutual trust by exchanging metadata.. Imported users can log in to the system organization with the credentials established in the SAML identity provider. […]

Backing up InfluxDB databases to IBM COS

If you are looking to send your database backups to a remote location (in this case IBM COS) you will find this post very helpful. Requirements – Have IBM Cloud Account access and bucket configured– RCLONE tool– Access key id, secret access key, and the name of the bucket you want to mount Provisioning object […]

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