Baking Clouds Ltd

Baking Clouds provide tailored IT consultancy services to small and medium-sized companies; we cover all aspects of IT without any hidden costs.


Quick Fix for Zerto unable to send billing data

The intent of this post is to help you resolve a problem that can happen to you when applying a permanent license key from Zerto and see the following error message: “ZVM is disconnected from the VRAs as usage information for billing purposes was not sent for 54 days. To ensure replication, resolve this issue. […]

Error during upgrade of Zerto Virtual Manager from v8.0 to 8.0 u1

Symptoms: ZVM upgrade to 8.0 U1 fails reporting the following: Please contact zero Support. (Package: Zerto Virtual Replication Error: A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file C:\ProgramData\Package Cache{258FFCE3-5000-4C80-BEEE-8DE50F79C1AD}v8.0.10.223\ has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate that the cabinet file is corrupt) Cause: The certificate in the signature cannot be […]

Error during upgrade of Zerto Virtual Manager from v5.0 to 5.5 u4

Symptoms: ZVM upgrade to 5.5 U4 fails reporting the following:   Error 1330. A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{570932D3-0B36-41C5-93D5-15E811D5B3C9}v5.5.40.19\ has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate that the cabinet file is corrupt. Error 24581 was returned by WinVerifyTrust. Cause: The certificate in the signature cannot be […]

Certificate Error during Zerto Virtual Manager Upgrade from v6.5 to 7.0 u3

Symptoms During ZVM upgrade from 6.5 to 7.0  the installation stops reporting the following: Package: Zerto Virtual Replication Error: A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{}\ has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate that the cabinet file is corrupt. Cause The certificate in the signature and CounterSignatures […]

Zerto 7 Update 2 – Unable to configure vCD settings

Symptoms We experimented the following problem when trying to configure vCloud Director settings from Zerto Virtual Manager or Enabling vCD BC/DR during the installation of Zerto 7 U2: Zerto virtual manager Install logs (location: C:\ProgramData\Zerto\InstallLog) Zerto.Zvm.Platform.VCD.Proxy.VCDProxy,Connect,Failed to login to ‘https://vcloudirectoraddress/api’ with username ‘Administrator@system’. Please verify the server address and credentials are correct Please verify the […]

What’s New – In Zerto 7.0

Zerto recently announced the release of Zerto version 7.0. The following article using Zerto’s documentation as reference, shows Zerto 7.0 new features and functionalities (AWS/Azure/vCloud Director are not covered). Enhanced Graphical User Interface Long Term Retention VPG Management vSphere APIs Zerto Alerts VRA ZVM Maintenance Security Automated Billing for CSPs Zerto Analytics Enhanced Graphical User […]

Migrating the ZVM 6.5 Database to Microsoft SQL Server

Zerto Virtual Replication uses an SQL Server to manage data for scalable business continuity software solutions. Zerto supports two usages of the SQL Server; either an embedded SQL Server, which is provided free of charge with the Zerto Virtual Replication product or, an external SQL Server which is deployed and managed by the customer. Migrating […]

Announcement: Zerto On-Demand Labs!

Early this month Zerto finally announced LABS on-demand ! Yay! The labs provide the perfect learning opportunity by marrying an embedded lab environment with detailed training guides to walk you through all the top features & operations. All labs use VMware vSphere, but Zerto is exploring adding lab offerings for the other platforms the software […]

Zerto 6.5 U3 p1: Error migrating to MS SQL

Zerto Virtual Replication uses an SQL Server to manage data for scalable business continuity software solutions. The default during installation is the embedded SQL Server database. When using the embedded SQL Server database, Zerto Virtual Replication is limited with the number of resources that can be protected. It’s is highly recommended to move to external […]

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