Information is the most valuable asset for all companies. Having adequate storage is essential to keep the information safe and accessible for analysis to generate business value when needed. In addition, it will help companies to be able to manage it properly and get the best possible benefit from it.
It is vital to use an efficient data storage system in organisations. New technologies and the large volume of information that companies now have led to data collection infrastructure changes. Companies can choose different forms of storage: local and Cloud.
What storage option is the best for a business?
Companies should choose the storage that best suits their needs. Next, we will show the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.
Local storage
Local storage consists of storing digital data on physical storage devices, which we can touch and see. These are hard drives (HDD), solid-state drives (SSD), or external storage devices.
For example, a person at home saves their documents or photos on an external hard drive, a pen drive, or even on the hard drive inside their computer. In a company, this can also be done but on a large scale and smarter.

Cloud Storage
Cloud storage involves archiving, organizing, and distributing data as required on different volumes of virtualized storage consolidated from different physical hardware systems. In other words, it is the organization of data stored somewhere that can be accessed by anyone with the proper permissions via the Internet. You do not need to be connected to an internal network (known as network-attached storage), nor do you need to access data from your hard drive or a hardware system connected directly to your computer.

What is better local storage or cloud storage?
As we have seen throughout the article, both local and cloud storage have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we cannot say that one is 100% better for a company than the other. That depends on the needs of each company.
When using cloud storage services is possible to have most used files cached locally for fast, local and offline access of most used files, a percentage of your total storage or selected folders. This storage configurations are designed based in combination of cloud storage being used and customer requirements giving you the best of both options.
There will be companies that prioritise access speed more and that it is not necessary to use the Internet. Still, for others, it will be more important that users can access information remotely.
To see what type of storage is best for your company, at Baking Clouds, we have a team of IT experts who will analyse and see all your company’s storage needs and help you choose the best model. Contact us!