Baking Clouds Ltd

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New in Cloud Director 10.2: Guided Tours

With the release of Cloud Director 10.2, VMware introduced new features (covered in previous post “VMware Cloud Director 10.2 interface enhancements“, one of them is “Guided Tours”

Guided Tours is a great addition on this release to help administrators and users use wizards to discover vCloud Director interface.

They can be exported as JSON, uploaded to GIT repo and changed as needed

How to create guided tour

Login to Cloud Director as provider administrator. Click More > Guided Tours

Baking Clouds - vCloud Director 10.2 guided tours

Select Record New Tour and Start Recording

Baking Clouds - vCloud Director 10.2 guided tours

Record New Tour keyboard shortcuts are

Control : Select the section to highlight
Control + Alt + D: Add description to the step

Baking Clouds - vCloud Director 10.2 guided tours

Start highlighting your steps and adding description using above commands

In my example I am doing the steps admin follows to see tasks and adding some text

Baking Clouds - vCloud Director 10.2 guided tours
Baking Clouds - vCloud Director 10.2 guided tours
Baking Clouds - vCloud Director 10.2 guided tours

After recording my steps I wanted to modify the text so used Edit Steps option

Baking Clouds - New in Cloud Director 10.2: Guided Tours
Baking Clouds - vCloud Director 10.2 guided tours

Once happy with results using Preview click Save Tour

Baking Clouds - vCloud Director 10.2 guided tours

Resulting in a JSON file

Baking Clouds - vCloud Director 10.2 guided tours

Now my JSON file is imported from local file or Git repo

Baking Clouds - vCloud Director 10.2 guided tours

Once imported is visible as new tour on my task bar

Baking Clouds - vCloud Director 10.2 guided tours

JSON Sample of Guided Tour

{"steps":[{"elementSelector":"BODY>:nth-child(1)>:nth-child(1)>.main-container:nth-child(1)>.header:nth-child(5)>:nth-child(2)>.header-actions:nth-child(1)>.active.nav-link:nth-child(4)","description":{"en":"Click monitor"},"preStepRoute":"/monitor/tasks","nextStepTimeout":null,"action":1,"spec":{"requiresClick":true}},{"elementSelector":"BODY>:nth-child(1)>:nth-child(1)>.main-container:nth-child(1)>.content-wrapper:nth-child(6)>.content:nth-child(1)>:nth-child(1)>.nav-bar.subnav:nth-child(1)>.subnav:nth-child(1)>.nav:nth-child(1)>.nav-item:nth-child(1)>.active.nav-link:nth-child(1)","description":{"en":"Click Tasks"},"preStepRoute":"/monitor/tasks","nextStepTimeout":null,"action":1,"spec":{"requiresClick":true}},{"elementSelector":"BODY>:nth-child(1)>:nth-child(1)>.main-container:nth-child(1)>.content-wrapper:nth-child(6)>.content:nth-child(1)>:nth-child(2)>.content-container:nth-child(2)>.datagrid-host:nth-child(2)>.datagrid-outer-wrapper:nth-child(2)>.datagrid-inner-wrapper:nth-child(1)>.datagrid:nth-child(1)>.datagrid-table-wrapper:nth-child(1)>.datagrid-table:nth-child(1)>.datagrid-row:nth-child(2)>.datagrid-row-flex.datagrid-row-master:nth-child(1)>.datagrid-row-scrollable:nth-child(2)>.datagrid-scrolling-cells:nth-child(1)>.datagrid-fixed-width.datagrid-cell.task-column.task-cell:nth-child(8)>.d-block.text-truncate.tooltip:nth-child(1)>.tooltip-trigger:nth-child(1)","description":{"en":"Click on task to see status"},"preStepRoute":"/monitor/tasks","nextStepTimeout":null,"action":1,"spec":{"requiresClick":true}}],"id":"f5bb2e8a-52cc-a020-cf42-a2ca4e5eb0f6","title":{"en":"See tasks"},"description":{"en":"Tour to open tasks"},"scope":["service-provider"]}

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New in Cloud Director 10.2: Guided Tours

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