If you didn’t manage to apply early this year or your application was unsuccessful, don’t worry! There is a second chance!
First off all, here is the link for the information on the applications:
Since we got our vExpert status, it opened many doors giving us opportunities and benefits
To start with, the most important thing about this program is the amazing group of people that we’ve found excited about what they do and very generous to share it.
There are, sometimes, access to VMware beta programs and/or products license. For example, this year we had the chance to test vCloud Director on AWS …cool uh?
To mention some of the vExpert benefits:
VMware vExpert freebies

VMware NFR Licenses… to mention some of them: 2020 – vRealize Log Insight 4, 2020 – vSphere 7 Enterprise Plus, 2020 – Integrated OpenStack 6.0 – Data Center and more!
Vendor vExpert freebies

Pluralsight (Free subscription for one year)
Once you become a vExpert you provide the link to your vExpert directory page to PluralSight support to enjoy this great benefit!

Zerto Virtual Replication Free NFR
Zerto Virtual Replication for Azure, AWS, VMware, & Hyper-V (Free NFR)

Veeam NFR Licenses
Free NFR liceses for Veeam Agent for Linux, Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365, and/or Veeam Availability Suite (incl. both Veeam Backup & Replication and Veeam ONE).

Devolutions NFR Licenses
Request an NFR license of Remote Desktop Manager and/or Password Vault Manager.

DoubleCloud (ICE & vSearch 2.0 (“Google” anything in MANY vCenters)
Free Standard License for vExperts
Free 365-Day Keys for vSearch 2.0

Vimalin for VMware Fusion and VMware Workstation Professional from Antwise Solutions
Unlimited NFR license for Vimalin 2.0

Vembu BDR Suite (Free NFR)
Free NFR license for Vembu BDR Suite – vembu.com

StarWind Virtual SAN NFR License
Free StarWind VSAN Enterprise license

Royal TS/X
Royal Apps NFR License
For Microsoft MVPs, Citrix CTPs, VMware vExperts, Cisco Champions and EMC Elects

Liquidware Software License
Liquidware (25 licenses Liquidware Essentials, includes ProfileUnity, FlexApp and Stratusphere UX – perpetual license)

ControlUp Software License
ControlUp Expert Program https://www.controlup.com/products/controlup/expertprogram/

Free NFR Licenses for Virtualization Pros. If you are a VMware vExpert, VCP, VSP, VTSP, or VCI, you can receive a FREE two-socket Not-For-Resale (NFR) license of NAKIVO Backup & Replication for one year. You can use this license in your home or work lab.

Nexenta Software License
NexentaConnect allows you to expand the software-defined hyperconverged solution. Download the software with your product ID for a 1-yr promotional license for up to 8 CPU Sockets, matching the VMware VSAN 8 Socket License.

KEMP Technologies
FREE KEMP LoadMaster NFR License

Altaro VM Backup (unlimited) License
NFR key of Altaro VM Backup (Unlimited Plus edition) valued at €765 at no cost to you, so you can back up and replicate your Hyper-V or VMware virtual machines.

HyTrust KeyControl License
A free one-year license is provided to any vExpert for non-production use in their lab without any feature limitations. Please complete this form and a member of our team will review your submission and provide you with a license key valid for one year of HyTrust KeyControl.
Additional Resources

We wish you all the best on your application and if you need more information, please feel to contact us!