Baking Clouds Ltd

Baking Clouds provide tailored IT consultancy services to small and medium-sized companies; we cover all aspects of IT without any hidden costs.

VMware Cloud Migration Portal (CMP) no longer available

Baking Clouds - VMware Cloud Migration Portal (CMP) no longer available

For those who had the opportunity to use “Cloud Migration Portal” there are no good news. VMware informed is no longer supported and removed from VMWare Partner’s Portal

Cloud Migration Portal used to manage and automate large scale migration projects to VMware vSphere and Cloud. CMP supported migration of workloads from physical to virtual, virtual to virtual, and virtual to Cloud.

Unfortunately VMware has discontinued a number of migration tools and removed them from partner portal as they are no longer generally available or supported by VMware. The current migration tool replacing CMP is vCenter Converter and is available to partners at no charge.

Baking Clouds - VMware Cloud Migration Portal (CMP) no longer available

More information can be found here:

VMware Cloud Migration Portal (CMP) no longer available
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