Baking Clouds Ltd

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Cannot login as admin after upgrade vRealize Operations to version 8.0

After completing the upgrade from vRealize Operations 7.5 to version 8.0 we were unable to login as admin


  • Log in to the admin or Product UI of VMware vRealize Operations Manager 8
  • You see the error:
Baking Clouds - Cannot login as admin after upgrade vRealize Operations to version 8.0

The credentials are correct and logging into the node (in my case I only have a single node) directly as admin is successful

The /storage/vcops/log/analytics-id.log may show error similar to:

2019-12-08 07:21:36,519 ERROR [ServerConnection on port 10000 Thread 3183 ] [jkVuerOr2RrMQ5pAp4vyNN6hZWJGmy0M] com.vmware.vcops.platform.gemfire.GemfireFunction.execute – Exception occurred when executing function – topFunction – com.vmware.vcops.platform.gemfire.GemfireFunction$MethodInvocationException: InvalidCredentialsException: Local user password did not match for user: 0055b56b-7a9f-4e4d-8bff-06f8788fea15, name: admin
Caused by: com.vmware.vcops.auth.exception.InvalidCredentialsException: Local user password did not match for user: 0055b56b-7a9f-4e4d-8bff-06f8788fea15, name: admin
2019-12-08 07:21:36,545 ERROR [ServerConnection on port 10000 Thread 3183 ] [E6RlblEkKPGlPklI5npvXyRLizx5zxys] com.vmware.vcops.auth.server.authN.LocalAuthNStrategy.authenticateLocalUser – Super admin user locked out. Cannot login currently
2019-12-08 07:21:36,609 ERROR [ServerConnection on port 10000 Thread 3183 ] [TZt55nBE66iJyqpdt6SBzXdZbnMR42wG] com.vmware.vcops.auth.server.authN.LocalAuthNStrategy.authenticateLocalUser – Super admin user locked out. Cannot login currently
2019-12-08 07:22:52,876 ERROR [ServerConnection on port 10000 Thread 26 ] com.vmware.vcops.auth.server.authN.LocalAuthNStrategy.authenticateLocalUser – Super admin user locked out. Cannot login currently
2019-12-08 07:23:50,153 ERROR [ServerConnection on port 10000 Thread 26 ] com.vmware.vcops.auth.server.authN.LocalAuthNStrategy.authenticateLocalUser – Super
admin user locked out. Cannot login currently


Some adapters or other applications ask for the vRealize Operations Manager admin credentials in the configuration, for example the vRealize LogInsight
This issue can occur when an adapter instance, or another application has the incorrect Operations Manager admin password saved.
The adapter instance or other application continually attempts a login, causing the account to become locked due to too many failed login attempts


We managed to get the admin account to work running the script that sets the admin password across the cluster, even though there was only one node. Steps:

1- Log into the Master node as the root user.

2- With a text editor, open /storage/vcops/user/conf/ the line failed_attempts=.

Baking Clouds - Cannot login as admin after upgrade vRealize Operations to version 8.0

3- Save and close the file.

4- Run the following script on each node

 $VMWARE_PYTHON_BIN $VCOPS_BASE/../vmware-vcopssuite/utilities/sliceConfiguration/bin/ –reset

5- Update the credentials on all adapter instances or other applications that ask for the vRealize Operations Manager admin credentials, with the correct password

Cannot login as admin after upgrade vRealize Operations to version 8.0
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