Baking Clouds Ltd

Baking Clouds provide tailored IT consultancy services to small and medium-sized companies; we cover all aspects of IT without any hidden costs.

VeeamON 2020 FREE online June 17-18

Baking Clouds - VeeamON 2020 FREE online June 17-18

This year the VeeamON 2020 will be online and free for everyone to attend. If you are customer or service provider for sure you will find interesting sessions on different topics

You can register following this link

The agenda is divided on these tracks. Full agenda on this link

  • Architecture and Design
  • Cloud-Powered
  • Vision and Strategy
  • Implementation Best Practices
  • Better Together
  • Operations and Support
  • Deep Tech

Good value selection of sessions

Veeam v10 Storage Integrations and New Capabilities Deep Dive

Agenda: Integrating into primary enterprise storage systems and leveraging storage snapshot technology has become a key element of modern data protection. For years, Veeam® and its Alliance Partners have teamed up to deliver best-of-breed availability solutions for virtualized environments, delivering the fastest, most powerful backup and recovery on the market today.
In this session, Veeam’s data protection experts will have a deep look into the primary storage integrations Veeam v10 has to offer across Veeam’s Alliance Partners, including HPE, NetApp, Cisco, Lenovo, Microsoft, Pure Storage, Nutanix, IBM, Dell EMC, Infinidat and more. See features like Backup from Storage Snapshots and Veeam DataLabs™ from Storage Snapshots in action and learn the technical details behind it. Learn how Veeam can recover multi-TB VMs in seconds with Instant VM Recovery® and how direct SAN restore operates. We will also show how to discover and interpret the backend logs to perform basic troubleshooting and how to understand common error messages.

Track: Architecture and Design
Product alignment: Veeam Backup & Replication

How Veeam Can Snap Into a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) Practice

Agenda: From malicious threats like ransomware to insider threats that jeopardize data security, customers are increasingly looking for allies in data protection and management. Service providers should have a strong backup solution in their arsenal to be both proactive and effectively reactive when helping their customers navigate threats. In this session, we’ll have an open discussion about how Veeam® can help MSSPs

Track: Better Together
Product alignment: Veeam Backup & Replication

Kubernetes Backup: Veeam and Kasten Essential Best Practices

Agenda: Enterprises globally are enthusiastically embracing Kubernetes as a way of deploying applications at scale, while also streamlining the automation process. To achieve this, enterprises are looking to Veeam® to help them protect and understand these workloads. A participant in this session will leave with an understanding of how to leverage a Kubernetes backup solution to gain the benefits of implementing a truly dynamic application deployment solution, while continuing to use the tools they have already invested in.

Track: Cloud-Powered

1-Click Site Recovery and DR Testing: It’s Possible!

Agenda: Today’s applications and data sets are larger, more complex, distributed and interdependent than ever. While many have a disaster recovery plan in place, executing, testing and documenting these plans is often complex and cumbersome. DR plans easily become out of date and untested, rendering them useless and putting compliance at risk.

Track: Implementation Best Practices
Product alignment: Veeam Availability Orchestrator

Cumulonimbus II — Cloud Tier Deep Dive & Best Practices

Agenda: Back again from last year, join us in this fireside chat session as Anthony Spiteri and Dustin Albertson dive deep into the Veeam® Cloud Tier and discuss the best practices and design choices you should make. Veeam Cloud Tier lets users leverage object storage to infinitely scale out their on-premises storage to the cloud. This session will explore the architecture of Veeam Cloud Tier and Scale-out Backup Repository™. We will then dive deep into the components required and the strategies associated with off-site backups in v10. Discover how to leverage Cloud Tier’s new copy mode.

Track: Implementation Best Practices
Product alignment: Veeam Backup & Replication

Fall in Love With Tape All Over Again

Agenda: Veeam® Backup & Replication™ has robust tape support for an ultra-resilient copy of backup data that is both portable and has a low acquisition cost. In this session, you can learn tips about tape performance and media management, tips for reducing complexity with tape and some tips from product management and tech support on working with tape. This breakout is exactly what you need to learn the latest on tape support, as well as tips for implementing tape successfully for Veeam backups

Track: Operations and Support
Product alignment: Veeam Backup & Replication

How Downtime and Data Loss Are Going Away by 2021

Agenda: In this session, two former industry analysts and Veeam® VPs will unpack the results of Veeam’s latest annual research of 1,500 unbiased enterprises from around the world plus 500 enterprises that use Veeam for comparative purposes. We’ll examine downtime and data loss statistics, drivers for modernising data protection and data management, as well as how these trends will affect organisations’ IT strategies and the strategies of the partners that serve them. Note: This is the second of two sessions utilising the 2020 research data conducted by Veeam. The earlier session covered strategy/alignment within the broader IT architecture and implementation implications. This session will build from that to cover more solution-centric scenarios, including cybersecurity, data reuse and BC/DR

Track: Vision and Strategy
Product alignment: Veeam Availability Suite

Cloud Economics and Design Principles for Today and Tomorrow

Agenda: If you haven’t yet deployed a cloud solution, you will soon. It is important to approach the cloud with awareness of the importance of upfront design reviews before committing to a cloud solution. In this session, Rick and Melissa will share some insight into how solutions deployed in the cloud should be approached from an economic perspective. Specific examples of how cloud economics are important can be looked at with different types of cloud storage, internet traffic and region characteristics, as well as how these make a big difference in the overall economics of a solution. One of the cornerstone takeaways of this session is how modeling at the correct time in the project cycle is important when deploying or developing a solution with cloud services. By attending this session, you will be equipped to be much more informed on what to look for in a cloud solution from an economic perspective.

Track: Vision and Strategy
Product alignment: Veeam Backup & Replication

Why Office 365 Backup Is ESSENTIAL

Agenda: Did you know 81% of Veeam® customers know that they are responsible for backing up Office 365 data and can’t rely on Microsoft’s native tools, but 76% of them are still left unprotected? If you are one of the 76% that still needs to be convinced why complete access and control of Office 365 data is critical to your business — this session is for you! In this session, we’ll cover the perspectives of a top industry analyst and provide the key use cases and reasons for Office 365 backup and recovery. Then, we’ll finish with a demo of our industry-leading and fastest growing product line, Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365. Learn why industry analysts and tens of thousands of businesses around the world all agree — Office 365 backup is ESSENTIAL!

Track: Vision and Strategy
Product alignment: Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365

VeeamON 2020 FREE online June 17-18
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