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VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager 1.2 Released!

VMware recently released a new version of VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager. For those unfamiliar with this product, we can say that it provides a comprehensive solution to implement, update, configure and manage VMware Cloud Provider products in an automated way from one place.

VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager provides REST APIs to facilitate tasks for VMware Cloud Provider products, but If you are a GUI person you will need to get familiar with REST APIs because there is no user interface!

VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager requires a definition of the REST API request as well as the product binaries to deploy and maintain VMware Cloud Provider products, such as:

Product Interoperability:

Baking Clouds - VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager 1.2 Released!

For more information, please refer to VMware Product Interoperability Matrix

What’s new in version 1.2?

VMware Cloud Director Lifecycle Manager 1.2 includes the following:

Baking Clouds - VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager 1.2 Released!
VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager command help
  • VAMI web interface. The virtual appliance management interface (VAMI) is a web-based management interface to perform basic administrative tasks for the appliance configuration
Baking Clouds - VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager 1.2 Released!
VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager VAMI

Postman Collection API calls available here: Link Github

Additional Resources

VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager Architecture

VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager 1.2 Release Notes

VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager API

VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle ManagerSecurity Reference Guide

We hope this post is useful. If you want more information, send us your comment using the button below.

VMware Cloud Provider Lifecycle Manager 1.2 Released!
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