Quick guide on CommServe command line reports to dump in CSV file usage periods and predictions of usage based on existing data.
This and other queries can be implemented on CommServe Web Console for scheduled reports based on needs you can create a dashboard with tiles showing relevant information apart from ones provided for free and by default.
This post is to show how to get information using the command line.
Reference documentation here
QOperations tool can be used for all management work if you prefer to avoid using the Java console or web console or writing scripts without learning to use the API.
Deduplication Database Size and Growth Report
The Deduplication Database Size and Growth Report displays the current amount of space and data growth size on disk for the deduplication database associated with the specified storage policy, and predicts the amount of data growth on disk over the specified period of time.
- Open the command prompt and navigate to the <software installation path>\Base>folder.
- Enter qlogin, and then enter your user name and password
- Run the following command to create a report with last 12 months of information and 36 months of prediction. File will be saved on ‘c:\temp\’
qoperation execscript -sn QS_DDBGrowthPerCopy -format 'csv' -file 'C:\temp\36m-report.csv' -si @Frequency= 'Month' -si @Periods= '12' -si @Predictions= '36'
Example showing prediction values
Low DeDuplication Jobs Report
The Low DeDuplication Jobs Report provides a list of full backup jobs with the lowest percentages of deduplication on the CommServe over the specified period of time. The report can include or exclude aged jobs.
- Open the command prompt and navigate to the <software installation path>\Base>folder.
- Enter qlogin, and then enter your user name and password
- Run the following command to create a report with less than 40% deduplication. File will be saved on ‘c:\temp\’
qoperation execscript -sn QS_LeastDedupedJobs -format 'csv' -file 'C:\temp\LowDeDuReport.csv' -si @LowDedupePct= '40' -si @CountAgedJobs= '1'
Subclient Storage Utilization and Prediction Report
The Subclient Storage Utilization and Prediction Report provides information about the storage consumed by subclients over the specified number of days, weeks, months, or years and calculates the current and future cost of storing data for each subclient. The current activity period can be included or excluded.
- Open the command prompt and navigate to the <software installation path>\Base>folder.
- Enter qlogin, and then enter your user name and password
- Run the following command to create a monthly report of last 12 months utilisation by sublcients and prediction of next 36 months report. File will be saved on ‘c:\temp\’
qoperation execscript -sn QS_BackendSubclientStorage -format 'csv' -file 'c:\temp\storageprediction.csv' -si @Frequency= 'Monthly' -si @NumberOfPoints= '12' -si @PredictionPoints= '36'
Example showing prediction values