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vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director 2.0

vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCD is a tenant facing application which provides a tenant administrator visibility to their vCloud Director environment. Service provider admin can enable access to the application to any tenant. It solves monitoring, troubleshooting and capacity planning use cases for a tenant. This is available only to service providers.

The Tenant App for vCloud Director 2.0 provides metering capabilities that allow the service provider to chargeback customer base and individual customers to review their billing data

Baking Clouds - vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director 2.0

New Features!

  • Creation of pricing policy based on chargeback strategy: The Tenant App for vCloud Director provides flexibility in the following areas to create pricing policies:
    • Base prices for primary resources

Baking Clouds - vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director 2.0

  • Ability to apply price at various time intervals

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  • Ability to apply price based on the VM power state

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  • Fixed Cost

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  • Advanced Network Pricing configurations Using advanced network pricing, users can apply variable and fixed charges for the following network services associated with edge.
    • BGP Routing, DHCP, Firewall, High Availability, IP, PV6, IP Sec, Load Balancer, L2 VPN, NAT, OSPF Routing, Static Routing, SSL VPN, Base rate and fixed costs can be applied for Edge Gateway sizes

Baking Clouds - vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director 2.0

  • Guest OS pricing

Baking Clouds - vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director 2.0

  • Tag based and vCD metadata-based chargeback mechanism

Baking Clouds - vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director 2.0

  • Ability to map pricing policies with a specific entity: vCD tenant app provides the flexibility to Service Provider Administrator so as to map the pricing policies created above with specific organization vDC, so that service provider can holistically define how each of their customer need to be charged. The following vCloud Director allocation models are supported as part of the chargeback mechanism:
    • Reservation pool
    • Pay-as-you-go
    • Allocation pool
  • Report templates, instantaneous or scheduled report generation: The Tenant App for vCloud Director 2.0 provides flexibility in generating reports for various entities and objects related to vCloud Director. The following capabilities are available as part of reporting framework:
    • Report Export: The generated reports can be exported in the form of PDF or CSV for further processing.
    • Scheduling :Using default templates, users can run required reports instantaneously or schedule it to run on a specific date-time with recurrence. Users can select the required objects for which the report has to be generated and can set recurrence and publishing criteria for the report.

Baking Clouds - vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director 2.0

  • Exhaustive set of templates:Service Provider administrator can generate reports at various levels for a different set of objects. The following OOTB default templates are available:
    • Catalog Items Cost and Price, Detailed report, Distribution report, Organization cost and Price, Organization to Organization VDC Mapping, Organization to VM Mapping, Organization VDC Cost and Price, Organization VDC to VM Mapping, Summary Report, vApp and vApp Templates Cost and Price, vApp to VM mapping, vCloud Director to Organization Mapping, VM Cost and Price, VM Hierarchy, Organization VDC to vApp and vApp Templates Mapping,
  • Detailed billing data for each tenant:
    • Every tenant/customer of service provider can review their bills using the vCD tenant app interface.
    • Service Provider administrator can generate bills for a tenant by selecting a specific resource and a pricing policy that must be applied for a defined period and can also log in to review the bill details.

User Guide: vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director 2.0 as a Service Provider

User Guide: vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director 2.0 as a Tenant

vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director Download Link

vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director 2.0
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